Wednesday, February 4, 2009

G'Nite Sweetheart, G'nite!

Thought this was the most adorable thing...actually made me a little weepy!! Proud mom, i guess! Samantha fell asleep on the couch, and Stephanie took her own blanket (which is a huge deal, they are very possessive of their own blankets!!) and covered her up. The cutest, and I'm glad i had my Flip Video handy!! was she kept fixing the blanket and then leaned over and gave her a kiss!!! then went back to making sure the blanket was on just right! a couple minutes later, post video, she went up to the couch, and pulled her blanket off of Samantha and went and to sleep herself!! not really sure how samantha slept through the hole thing...but she did!! i kept expecting her to wake up and kick stephanie right off the couch!!