Friday, May 23, 2008

Brushing Our Teeth

Hi everybody! Here is a clip of us brushing our teeth...yet another action packed film for your enjoyment! The significance of this one is that I got a new with a motor just like mommys! It makes my teeth soooo shiny! Also, we are going on a trip with Papa, so we may not be able to post for a couple days. We are going to St. Louis, Missouri to stay with my Uncle Tim and Aunt Pat. I'm so excited! Bye everybody!


Carly said...

Hi Tara :) Glad to see you have a blog so we can stay updated on you and your beautiful family :) This clip is so adorable! You will defenitley enjoy keeping these videos and looking back on them when your girls are about my age. We have a video very similar to this when Kate was about 5 and I was probably 2 almost 3. Kate was standing on the toilet looking into the mirror trying to pull some of her teeth out that were loose as I kept turning the light off (of course I was the mishevious one lol). It was funny to watch kate freak out at the blood that was "gushing" out of her mouth! LOL! we have watched this numerous times and have had great family time!! Well we all love and miss you! BTW your girls are gettin more and more beautiful! :)
Carly Felt

Faith Maria Lopez said...

Tara with the cutest little angels ever! I can't believe it. You are so blessed, it's great to see you all the way in Cali.

Love and miss you guys,