Friday, July 18, 2008

Alphabet Time

We have started school...with mommy. She tries to make it fun...but I really want to ride the bus and play on a playground...not happening at this school just yet! We are learning a letter a day (or two days)...taking our time. Today we learned about "A". Mommy made these neat papers that we put on the refrigerator...she tried to find what she wanted online, but couldnt, so she decided to make her own. She said she would email them to anyone else that wanted to use them to learn their letters too. Pretty soon i'll be writing my own blog entries!!


Kim said...

you are such a good mommy Tara! get them excited about learning while they are young and they will be better students, whether at home or outside of the home. you are a teacher's delight!!!

Samantha and Stephanie said...

Well i appreciate the vote of confidence kim...not sure how true it is, but i do want to get her excited about it will be her life for many years to come!!

Rev. Lester & Kathy Bruce, Pastor said...

How nice - she is so eager to learn you might as well get started Auntie Carey

Kari Morgan said...

Are you gonna homeschool???
Hey your little beach bum is already reading and he hasn't even started K yet. I can't take the credit though, he's just so interested and smart to boot! ;)

Denise said...

Tara not finding it herself and creating it. Yep I definately can see that! I saw you stopped by our blog. Your girls are soooooo cute.

Denise said...

Tara, you are so creative! Wish I did that much with my homeschooling! LOL! Your girls are sooooo cute. How far is Ft. McCoy?

Samantha and Stephanie said... i'm not going to homeschool! and they are boys here!

denise...ft. mccoy? not really sure. what state is that in?