Tuesday, September 23, 2008

New Neighbors

Well...moms freakin' out because we have new neighbors. I guess thats not the part that has her jumping the walls. I think its the part that they have three little boys...and maybe that parts not so bad...it may be more the part that the oldest boy, Gaven - age 6, and his younger brother, Eli - age 4, keep coming to the door and asking for me. "Can Samantha come out and play." A simple request in my book...however, mom seems to have issues with this. She keeps saying that its not supposed to happen for YEARS! Something about keeping me hidden in the basement. Sounds scary to me. Not sure what the big deal is...all we do is ride bikes, play basketball, play in the sand box...only in our backyard. I asked if I could go to his yard and she keeps saying "not today" and running back in the house...she's really having a difficult time with this. i think its fun having new neighbors! And what are boys anyway?!

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