Monday, November 24, 2008

First Snow!!

IT SNOWED LAST NIGHT!!! I was so excited when mommy woke me up and took me to the window!! I asked if i could put on my "new" snow pants and she said YES!! She bundled us all up, stephanie was not as excited about it as i was...she doesnt like shoes (let alone boots), coats, hats, basically everything you need now that it is cold outside. We went outside and i jumped right in the snow...stephanie analyzed it all...i made a snow angel...stephanie was still thinking about it...i started to make a snow man...stephanie....still processing it all...finally mommy put her down in the snow, but she wasnt too excited about it! I was able to make a snowman at the babysitter's house and at my house! Then i was mad because mommy wouldnt let me bring the snow into the house. we have pictures and some videos, but mommy is trying to figure out how download it all from her "new" phone.


Vonney said...

How fun! I'm jealous! (But not too much...I can only handle the snow for a limited amount of time!) (:

Anonymous said...

hi tara! i miss you and the girls!!! They are adorable! Love and miss you~
Love Always
Stephanie Felt